How Custom Name Badges Can Enhance Your Next Event

How Custom Name Badges Can Enhance Your Next Event

Posted by Make Badges on 11th Apr 2018

Custom made badges and promotional badges can be a potent marketing tool and ideal takeaway for your special events. Business events in particular can benefit from custom made name badges for a variety of reasons. The following are some tips and ideas for making the most of this valuable and effective marketing resource:

6 Ways Custom Name Badges Can Enhance Your Next Business Event

1. Total Customisation Your Way

One the most appealing features of custom made badges is the ability to tailor them precisely to your brand or message. Name badges should present the user’s first name, surname and company name with both clarity and impact. The more memorable and attractive the design, the better the impression it will make. We can assist you with design tips and layout to ensure your badge idea will be a success on every level.

2. A Promotional Approach Expands Your Reach

Adding a promotional element to a name badge can enhance its effect and serve a dual purpose. Use a larger diameter badge size and use one section for the attendee information, and the rest to convey your important brand message. It can be a general graphic about your company or highlight a specific event or promotion. Using the larger badge sizes assists with maximising reach and impact.

3. Complements Other Marketing Efforts

Custom name badges and promotional badges can also help to complement other types of marketing. They are extremely versatile and can greatly enhance larger-scope multi-media marketing efforts. However, they can also work nicely as a complement to items such as a branded bag, custom made magnets, zipper pulls, magnet fastener badges and other giveaways. Contact us for more details about adding these items to your marketing plan.

4. QR Code-Ready

Advances in technology allow QR codes to be printed on custom made badges and corporate badges. This allows for even more engagement by enabling potential clients to scan the badges with their smartphones and easily connect with additional company or product information. The wearable marketing realm is more achievable than ever before with custom made badges and digital mobile technology.

5. Increases Name Recognition

Custom made badges help to put your brand front and centre in a highly personal way. They are viewed by participants as they interact with one another, leaving a more lasting impression than less personal marketing approaches. This facilitates and enhances your organisation’s name recognition and will put your enterprise into their consciousness in a lasting way.

6. Continued Advertising Long After the Event

If you design badges with eye-catching, memorable imagery and messaging, the wearer is far more likely to keep them after the event. In this way, your custom made badge will continue to work for you long after the event has commenced. We can assist you in designing custom made name badges and corporate badges that have maximum impact.

It should be clear by now that custom made badges and corporate badges from Make Badges can be powerful and effective marketing tools for business events. Corporate event planners and managers should strongly consider adding custom made magnets and corporate badges to their event marketing strategy.

7. Great for Networking Events

Networking events are a great opportunity to meet new acquaintances. Now you can gain even more value from your events by designing custom badges for the attendees.

Badges have been used for different purposes all across the business landscape. Some corporations use them for security reasons to control access to certain locations while others use them primarily for identification purposes. In business networking environments, badges will do both and even more.

Advantages of badges at networking events

At a recent business event in Sydney it was intriguing to see attendees wearing badges. Do you know why? Well, it’s because it shows the pride they take in associating with the corporations they work for. The next time you want to improve the visibility of your business at a networking event, encourage people representing you to wear badges to the event. It is a perfect way of showing others that people who work for you are proud to be associated with the company.

Let's not forget about the rest of the country, where conferences and exhibitions are one of the best ways to network and expand your business connections. Major events occur in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Your company may already be a member of associations or regularly attend events for your industry. Always ensure that representatives from your organisation are wearing branded badges because it is another opportunity to increase brand awareness and represent your brand in a positive and fun way.

Branded badges are also used to show teamwork within your organisation. Badges also eliminate the need to struggle remembering names, which we all know can be very difficult at times. And don't forget your business cards!

DIY badge sets, custom zipper pulls, custom made magnets and magnet fastener badges can also greatly enhance event marketing.

Give us a call today to get started with creating custom name badges and other personalised marketing tools.

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